Speaking Engagements

Do you need a speaker for your next ladies day or writer’s group?

Select from the following, or request a custom topic. Choose seminar-style presentation, power-point presentation, or lecture-style. Topics can be modified to meet your span of time, generally two 45-minute sessions or 30-minute sessions.

  • What’s Your Calling? Sometimes, as Christians, we struggle to find our talent and cannot always understand how God wants to use us to further His purpose. However, the Bible speaks clearly of several things we are called to do. We are called to pray, praise, speak, share our faith, and so much more.
  • Ungodly Clutter The accompaniment lesson to Monica’s upcoming Ladies Bible Class study book, Ungodly Clutter. Explores the idea that we must continually cleanse our homes of those things that might trigger sin and unfaithfulness, including garages cluttered with idols, computers full of sin-ware, and bookshelves that make us blush.
  • Our Sweet-Smelling Savior Jesus, Rose of Sharon. Lily of the Valley. According to Ephesians 5:2, Christ gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. From the aromatic spices gifted at the birth of Jesus to the ones left behind when He rose from the grave, this lesson looks literally and figuratively at how the Bible triggers our olfactory senses and how we can be certain our aroma is pleasing to God.
  • Blending Faith and Fiction A lesson on how to smoothly blend Biblical themes and lessons into fiction writing without coming across too “preachy.” Also offers insight into self-editing, marketing, and publishing per request.
  • The Virtuous Modern Young Woman Designed for college aged women, and those in their twenties, thirties, and forties regarding the struggles of managing a household and a full time job, and learning to be better stewards of time.
  • Being Less Inspired by the Theodore Monod hymn, “None of Self and All of Thee,” this discussion explores ways we can become less in a materialistic, self-centered world.

Monica speaks from Scripture and the heart. If you’re interested in booking, please send a query through the contact form below.

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